Friday 31 August 2007

31 August 2007

Next week I shall be one of the preliminary judges for the BBC's "Chorister of the Year". On Wednesday 3 I shall be recording "Sunday Half Hour" for Radio 2 with the Manchester Chamber Choir. These will be broadcast on Sundays 16 and 23 September and 21 October.

On Tuesday 11 September I shall be directing and playing in a concert in St James Church, Piccadilly with All Angels...this will be the showcase for their new album which we have just recorded.

On Tuesday 18th I shall be recording 5 scripts for BBC Radio 2's "Pause for Thought" which will be broadcast each day on the Janice Long and Alex Lester shows starting on Monday 24th.

I also have a series of rehearsals with the Manchester Chamber Choir culminating in a concert of unaccompanied music in Christchurch, Didsbury on Saturday 22nd September.

I have just written two new anthems for publication and am working on some arrangements for All Angels for BBC TV's "Songs of Praise".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Simon, I was interested to come across your web page and noticed that you are like us from The High Peak in Derbyhire and have been on the pannel judging the Chorister of the Year competition. Is there any way of knowing the regional/preliminary results of Chorister of the year? It seems an awfully dismal to receieve no feedback and to simply come realise you haven't got through as the days in mid September pass without an eagerly awaited letter.

It seems such a pity that there are not regional finals prior to the national final. That way many more Choristers would feel good about their achievements and the wider community would become more aware of these talented children and their dedication to classical and choral music.

Also it would allow more Choristers to perform rather than rely such a mish-mash of home made, semi professional and professional recordings. I am sure regional events would be well supported and could raise money for the Chorister association and for The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys who sponser one child in each of about 30 Church schools.

Choir schools across the country, who are concerned about recruitment, could do with a greater awareness regarding the wonderful musical and academic opportunities open to young boys and girls who become Choristers. Musically gifted children from disadvantaged backgrounds would certainly benefit.

Best wishes,
Barbara Brown
Mother of Rhys Brown, former Chorister of St George's Chapel Choir, WIndsor Castle and very grateful recipient of a Choral Bursary from The Masonic Trust